Saturday, August 29, 2020

10 Things That Make Me Laugh So Hard I Nearly Vomit

 1. "Try Not to Laugh" Vine Compilations

2. Dril Tweets

3. This clickhole article.

5. The Hotpockets Fillings Meme

6. The Liartown USA Apple Cabin Foods sale pages.

7. This video of a rubber chicken finding chicken noodle soup.

9. From Nomad: Alan Partridge's mother's thoughts on Sherlock Holmes and Watson.

"[Sherlock] Holmes's address in particular means little to me, my mother having banned me from reading his books for much of my childhood.

Her belief was that Watson and Holmes were gay lovers. Keen experimenters and happy to take risks in the bedroom, theirs was a relationship in which nothing was off the table. And though it would seem to go against the pair's dynamic as written, Mother was convinced that Watson was the dominant one. Not that Holmes minded, far from it. Naked, save for his deerstalker, and lashed to the bed posts with rope, he loved to be subservient and got a real kick from having all of Watson inside of him.

Regular heroin consumption, coupled with a lack of knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases, only served to make the well-respected Victorian detectives hornier. Indeed, Mother was left in little doubt that the reason Holmes seemed to lack compassion as he stood over the body of the story's latest murder victim was because he was too busy salivating at the prospect of what Watson was going to do to him that night.

She also had her doubts about Mrs. Hudson. Living in the flat below, can she really have been unaware of the nightly buggery marathons above? Even if we assume she didn't hear the regular role-playing sessions in which Holmes said he was a worthless piece of shit that needed to be punished - and as mother pointed out, that was a big 'if' - it seems hard to believe that the landlady wouldn't at least have noticed the thud of Holmes' body as it hit the floor, unconscious once again thanks to an overtightened ball-gag."

10. Pam Doove.

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